
Top 10 Natural Techniques to Detect Pregnancy at Home

Pregnancy is a wonderful and momentous thing. For confirmation, many rely on store bought pregnancy tests but others who would rather go the natural route consider the following natural techniques to get an early clue. This blog will help you understand ten natural ways of home pregnancy detection. It’s not a replacement for medical tests, but these methods can tell you something before a blood pregnancy test or visit to the doctor.

Morning sickness is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Nausea is common in many women, especially in the early weeks. But if you start getting queasy in the morning and there is no obvious reason for it, it could mean you’re pregnant. It can even start as early as two weeks after conception.

Missed Period

One of the most common signs you’re pregnant is a missed period. If your cycle is regular and you haven’t had your period, it’s also a good time to take an early detection pregnancy test. This is one of the most reliable early symptoms when coupled with others.

Increased Urination

This may be a natural indicator of pregnancy if you are running to the bathroom more than you normally would. This is to do with increased blood flow to the kidneys because pregnancy. It can occur just a few weeks after conception.

Tender Breasts

Breast sensitivity or swelling during early pregnancy is thought to be due to hormonal changes. It’s the same tenderness that many women feel before their period, but pregnancy does tend to bring it on extra strong.

Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Tracking

Tracking your basal body temperature is one lesser-known natural way at home to detect pregnancy. That’s the temperature of your body at rest, and your temperature will rise slightly after ovulation. If your BBT doesn’t fall back down in 18 days or more, it could be a sign that you’re pregnant. For women who were checking their BBT regularly, this method is less effective.


One early sign of pregnancy is when you are especially tired. During early pregnancy the hormone progesterone goes up causing you to feel more tired. It can even become exhausted as early as the first week of pregnancy.

Changes in Taste and Smell

For detecting pregnancy, we have yet another natural way — let your taste or smell change. They report many of them have a heightened sense of smell or have developed strong aversions to certain foods. Another clue: If you suddenly start hating foods and smells you once loved, you might be pregnant.

Mood Swings

Your mood can be extremely affected by pregnancy hormones. You’re likely more emotional than you’ve been in awhile – an early signal that you may be having a baby. These mood changes are normal and usually occur in the first few weeks after conception.

Implantation Bleeding

In some women light spotting called implantation bleeding. In this case, the fertilized egg sticks to the uterine wall. If you notice early light spotting that’s earlier than usual, it may be implantation bleeding, the early sign of pregnancy.

Home Pregnancy Tests Using Natural Ingredients

Several homemade pregnancy tests have been passed down through generations. While not scientifically proven, some women swear by these methods. Some popular natural pregnancy tests include:

  • Sugar Test: Add a few drops of your urine to a spoonful of sugar. If the sugar forms clumps, it’s believed to indicate pregnancy.
  • Toothpaste Test: Mix your urine with white toothpaste. If the toothpaste changes color or foams, some believe it could be a sign of pregnancy.

When Should You Take a Pregnancy Test?

While natural techniques can give you early clues, it’s essential to take a proper test for confirmation. So, when should you take a pregnancy test? It’s best to wait until after your missed period for more accurate results. Many over-the-counter tests are designed to detect pregnancy hormones in urine. However, for an even earlier confirmation, a blood pregnancy test can detect pregnancy before a missed period. This test measures the exact amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the blood, offering early detection.

Best At-Home Pregnancy Test for Early Detection

There are many at home pregnancy test on the market that are intended for early detection. Clearblue and First Response brands provide you the best pregnancy test for early detection. Used for the detection of even very small amounts of hCG in your urine, these tests can even show evidence of hCG as early as six days before a missed period. The best at home pregnancy test can give more accurate results when you’re panicky for early confirmation.


While natural techniques can give you early signs of pregnancy, they aren’t as accurate as medical tests. For the most reliable results, consider using an early detection pregnancy test or visiting your doctor for a blood pregnancy test. Remember, a missed period, morning sickness, or other symptoms don’t guarantee pregnancy. Confirming with a test is always the best step. Curious Kasturi encourages women to understand their bodies and take the right steps for early pregnancy detection. Stay informed and take care of your health!

People Also Ask

You’ll be able to keep track of symptoms like skipped periods, morning sickness, and tender breasts. Other methods you can also use to account for your basal body temperature or natural ingredients like the sugar or toothpaste test. But these methods are not as accurate as medical tests.

Morning sickness, which includes nausea and vomiting, often starts a few weeks after conception. It’s an early sign of pregnancy, especially if you experience it regularly without another clear cause. However, morning sickness doesn’t confirm pregnancy; taking a test is recommended.

You should take a pregnancy test after your missed period for the most accurate results. Some early detection tests can be used six days before your missed period. Blood pregnancy tests offer earlier confirmation, detecting pregnancy before a missed period.

Yes, frequent urination is a common early sign of pregnancy. As pregnancy progresses, more blood flows to your kidneys, making you urinate more often. This symptom may begin as early as a few weeks after conception, but it’s always best to confirm with a test.

Light spotting takes place with implantation bleeding when a fertilized egg anchors to the lining of the uterus. It is usually lighter than a normal period and usually occurs earlier. It is important that you get a pregnancy test for accuracy to confirm it as an early sign of pregnancy.

In this homemade test, you mix urine with sugar. If the sugar clumps, some believe it indicates pregnancy. This method is not scientifically proven, and for accurate results, it’s always better to use a store-bought or medical pregnancy test.

Yes, mood swings can be an early pregnancy sign. Hormonal changes can make you feel more emotional than usual. These shifts can happen as early as the first few weeks of pregnancy, but it’s recommended to take a test to confirm pregnancy.

Tests that are not scientifically proven as reliable include the sugar or toothpaste test. These machines are fun to try but should not be taken as actual. If you would like that to be confirmed it is best to use an early detection pregnancy test or visit your doctor.

One of the best pregnancy test’s for early detection is tests such as First Response and Clearblue. They will even detect pregnancy hormones 6 days before a missed period. To get the most accurate results, read the instructions on the packaging.

Basal body temperature (BBT) tracking measures your body’s temperature at rest. If your BBT stays elevated for 18 days or more after ovulation, it could indicate pregnancy. BBT tracking is more effective if you’ve been regularly monitoring your temperature.

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